Cat Advice

The Importance of Neutering

One female cat can be responsible for 30,000 descendants in just five years! We see hundreds of unwanted cats here at the Boote Home for Cats, there are simply not enough loving homes to go around.

You can do your part to stop the overgrowing and unwanted cat population by neutering your pets.

Help is Available

For many people, neutering their pets is simply too expensive. There is no need to panic, help is available. If you are receiving benefits, are a pensioner, or are on a low income you can get low-cost, and sometimes even no-cost, neutering as follows:

CATS PROTECTION Neutering Vouchers

CP Vouchers cover roughly half the cost of the average neutering / spaying charge. You can apply directly to any Cats Protection branch or shelter, who keep a supply of vouchers, or phone their national Helpline on 03000 12 12 12.

You may be asked to fill in an application form and provide a copy of the cover of your benefit book to obtain the voucher, which will usually be sent directly to your chosen vet. All you pay is the remaining balance. Cats Protection often have special FREE and £5 neutering offers – check for offers in your area: CP Neutering offers

PDSA PetAid Hospitals and Practices

PDSA PetAid offers free veterinary treatment for pets of those in receipt of certain benefits. Eligible clients of PDSA are offered reduced-price neutering.

For more information about eligibility, call freephone 0800 731 2502 or log onto

Find your nearest PSDA PetAid hospital or PetAid veterinary practice here: